"Contact Information"

When you need to contact us for any reason, these are the most effective ways to get in touch in a reasonable amount of time: 

  • By phone (878-222-4154). You may leave messages on the voicemail, which is confidential.

"Response Time"

We may not be able to respond to your messages and calls immediately.  For voicemails and other messages, you can expect a response within 24 hours on weekdays, and 72 hours on weekends. We may not be available during a holiday. Be aware that there may be times when we are unable to receive or respond to messages, such as when we are with another client, we are out of cellular range, out of town, or away from the office. If you will be difficult to reach, please inform us of times when you will be available. 

"Emergency Contact"

If you are ever experiencing an emergency, including a mental health crisis, please call 911, Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (will connect you to your local crisis center), or go to your nearest emergency room. 

If you live in Allegheny County you can utilize Resolve Crisis at 1-888-796-8226, which offers phone support and mobile crisis teams as needed. 

If you need to contact us about an emergency, the best method is:

  • By phone (878-222-4154)
  • If you cannot reach us by phone, please leave a voicemail. We will get back to you as soon as we can. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT FOR OUR RESPONSE IN A CRISIS SITUATION!
  • In the event of an emergency where you are having thoughts to hurt yourself or someone else, please go straight to your local emergency room, call 911 on contact your local Crisis Center (In   Allegheny County is Resolve Crisis 1-888-796-8226). 
  • If you present to a hospital emergency room or utilize a Crisis Service, please provide them with our phone number and a sign two way release of information so that we can collaborate with them about your care.