Frequently Asked Questions

How long are sessions typically? Most sessions will be between 45 and 60 minutes. 

What therapy approach will be used? The therapy approach is tailored to the individual's needs. Not all therapy approaches are a good fit for everyone. 

Can I terminate treatment at any time? Yes, you are free to discharge from treatment at anytime. 

How will my tele-health appointment be conducted? We conduct video and phone sessions when requested.  Both of these methods will require you to pick a safe place to conduct your appointments where you can ensure that others are not able to overhear you. We must know where you are for each session that takes place and you must be agreeable to providing an emergency contact person in the event of an emergency.  For video sessions, you may use any device of your choosing that allows you to access the internet. We use an online "Client Portal" to conduct our video sessions with clients that is HIPAA complaint and encrypted to protect your confidentiality.

Can I do my tele-health session from anywhere? We must know your location at the start of the appointment in case there should be an emergency. It is recommended that you choice a quiet and safe place to conduct your appointments. We will need an emergency contact person that we can reach out to in the event of an emergency.

What out-of-pocket expenses will I have? You may be responsible for any out-of-pocket co-pays, co-insurances, deductibles or any other fee your insurance provider refuses to reimburse. It is very important to contact your insurance provider to see what out of pocket expenses you will be responsible for.

Can I choose to pay out-of-pocket for my treatment instead of using my insurance? Yes, you can choose to pay out-of-pocket for treatment if you would like. In order to pay out-of-pocket you will be required to sign an "Opt-Out Form" stating that you do not wish to use your insurance.  A "Good Faith Estimate" will then be provided to you on what your out-of-pocket costs are expected to be.

Is there a fee if I cancel late or no show for my appointment? There is a $50 fee if you cancel your appointment with less than a 24 hour advanced notice or if you no show for your appointment.

What payment methods are accepted? Cash, personal checks, Venmo, Square, and all major credit cards are accepted. Clients pay for services via their "Client Portal," except when paying by check or cash. There is a $50 charge for any checks that bounce.